Vedic mathematics for schools (3 Volumi)
Autore: James T. Glover
Editore: Motilal Banarsidass Publ.
Luogo di stampa: New Delhi
Anno pubblicazione: 2003
In this book the Vedic techniques are applied to ordinary school mathematics for eleven and twelve years-old. the arithmatic introduced in books I and II is extended. The book also deals with the initial stages of solving equations, coordinate geometry, approximations, indices, parallels, triangles, ratio and proportion as well as other topics.
Once a basic grounding has been established with the Vedic methods the next stage is the beginning of discrimination. A problem is set and, armed with several techniques, the student must choose the easiest or most relevant for achieving the solution. This book deals with some of the steps required for this training.
Condizione prodotto:
Esemplari in buone condizioni. Copertine con ingiallimento, macchie di polvere e lievi segni di usura ai bordi e agli angoli. Adesivi antitaccheggio alle terze di copertina. Etichette adesive alle quarte di copertina. Testo in inglese. Text in English. Books in good condition.
Pagine: XII,133;XVII,282;XI,240
Formato: Brossura
Dimensioni (cm):
Altezza: 22
Testo in inglese. Text in English. Prefazione di H.E. Dr. L.M. Singhvi; Formerly High Commissioner for India in the UK.
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