Introduzione allo studio delle arti del disegno e Vocabolario compendioso delle arti medesime
Author: s.a.
Publisher: Pietro e Giuseppe Vallardi
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1821
Product Condition:
The two volumes are in good condition. Half leather binding with golden corners, titles and decorations on the backs and marbled plates; series of abrasions on the back and on the headphones; abrasions to corners and plates and dust spots. Cut at the upper corner of the back plate of the second tome. Yellow cuts with traces of dust and blooms at the head cuts. Well-preserved papers with scattered blooms, particularly at the edges of the papers, and more frequent and intense in some quinterni of both volumes. Text in Italian language.
Pages: VIII, 304; XI, (1), 426, (2)
Format: In sixteenth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 20
Width: 14
This work, compiled as the subtitle says "For use by scholars who are amateurs of the works of Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Intaglio etc. With copper carved plates" is divided into two volumes: in the first, illustrated by 14 tavv. in copper, we find a Reasoning on the Arts of Design, three books respectively dedicated to Architecture, Sculpture and Painting and the Catalog of the most famous wood and copper carvers and heads of the school, arranged in chronological order with the indication of their main works; the volume closes with the Explanation of the figures represented in the tables. The second volume contains the summary vocabulary of the arts of drawing.
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